CNC Turning:
- 6 DMG MORI Multitasking Lathes, 3” Bar Capacity
- 48 Haas and Hardinge CNC Turning Centers
- 6 Hanwha CNC Swiss Lathes, 1-1/2” Bar Capacity
CNC Milling:
- 26 Haas CNC Vertical Machining Centers, Including three 5 Axis CNC Milling
- 2 Brother CNC Mill with Rotary Pallet Changer
CNC Automation:
- 1 Takamaz Auto Loading CNC Lathe
- 3 RoboJob CNC Machine Tenders
- 1 Halter CNC Machine Tender
- 1 Universal Robot UR 10 for unattended machining
Conventional Machining:
- 20 New Britain and ACME Multi Spindle Screw Machines – ¼” to 2-1/4” Bar Capacity
- 20 Brown & Sharpe Ultramatics Single Spindle Screw Machines – 1/16” to 2” Bar Capacity
Quality Control Equipment:
- 2 Hexagon Global Scanning CNC CMM
- Sheffield Discovery CNC CMM
- Visual Fair PPAP Software
- Oasis Optical Inspection System
- ScienceScope Millipore Testing System
- Ramco Ultrasonic Parts Washer
- Hexagon Romer Absolute Arm